Horoscope of Oprah Winfrey's Natal Chart


Astrological sample birth chart report of Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah Winfrey's Horoscope


This sample text shows you excerpts
taken from the Astro*Talk report based on Oprah Winfrey's birth.

In this excerpt the focus lies on major transits happening for him and the planetary house placements only.

Major Transits Happening Now

Astrologers use the term "transits" to mean the positions of the major planets that are overhead (in the sky) right now and their relationship to our birth chart. Transits are very important indicators of the current situation in which we find ourselves. They can provide insight into what we are now going through. Here are the dates when the next major transits for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will have already passed and some are still to come. Remember, with these large planets transits don't just happen on the day when they are exact. They cover a wide span of days, weeks, months, and sometimes years, depending on which planet is involved.

In general, transits of Jupiter take from several days to a week or two to complete, while those of Saturn take from two weeks to a month to play themselves out. With the outer planets, the period of activity is even longer: transits of Uranus take about two months, Neptune three or four months, and Pluto takes about a year. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly that the complete transit experience may take a year or two to complete itself. So be prepared to work with these situations.

Nov 15, 2023 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 9m)
Career decisions that point to real success may go against your sense of values. You may not be able to appreciate this particular way or road to success. The way life is going may seem to ignore much of what you love and appreciate.

Jupiter Square Venus

Nov 14, 2023 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 9m)
You may be experiencing a bit of a crunch as your career direction (and path to success) squares off against your more personal interests. This may be a real test for you. Be careful not to blow an opportunity for success.

Jupiter Square Sun

Nov 14, 2023 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 9m)
Opportunities may go against your own sense of security and responsibility. Career choices may require that you take a chance and neglect the home front. This is a tough call, and some compromise is perhaps the best way to a workable solution.

Jupiter Opposition Saturn

Oct 26, 2023 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 8m)
You could discover yourself through creativity and self-expression during the present time. Increased confidence and a more outgoing manner may be the key that opens many a new door in your career.

Jupiter in Fifth House

Jan 13, 2024 3rd Pass D> (Age 69 11m)
A touch-and-go time when it comes to your emotions and the environment in which you find yourself. You may be up against it for a while, as things get tight and progress is slowed. Your emotional life may slow to a trickle or be completely blocked. Patience.

Saturn Square Moon

Jan 14, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 11m)
A tendency to act suddenly, without thought or consideration. A lot of mental tension or worry stemming from a rebellion against ideas, the way you think and communicate. An urge to break out of old mental patterns that could be destructive.

Uranus Square Mercury

Dec 02, 2023 2nd Pass R< (Age 69 10m)
A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and different things may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. Breaking away, turning over the apple cart.

Uranus Sextile Uranus

House Activity and Emphasis

You look to home and family for support and encouragement. History (personal or otherwise) interests you, and you tend toward nostalgia. Security is very important and you need to have real roots in order to be productive.
--- Moon in Fourth House

You may go through a lot of changes that affect your sense of security. Your home and family situation could be a focus for growth and real learning -- an area of great sensitivity and vulnerability.
--- Pluto in Fourth House

You probably love the theater and all that is creative, expressive, and artsy. You appreciate the dramatic, and emotional scenes are a sign of life to you. You love action, sports, and putting your heart and feelings on the line.
----- Venus in Fifth House

You could be successful working with creativity and self-expression through the arts and theater, in sports, or with the ultimate self-expression, children. You may find yourself a guide and teacher to others when it comes to these matters.
------ Jupiter in Fifth House

You are unconventional when it comes to self-expression and enjoyment. You find new and different ways to get it out -- possibly sports, the creative arts, and such. Always independent when it comes to emotions, you don't mind feeling a little different.
---- Uranus in Fifth House

You are a good worker, always thinking and caring for things. You are naturally service-oriented and enjoy taking care of the needs of others. You are very discriminating and can sort out the good apples from the bad.-----Sun in Sixth House

You are very imaginative when it comes to your health, the food you eat, and how you take care of yourself. Quick to get the picture, you may find yourself helping others see the benefits that proper care (mental, physical, and such) can bring.
----- Neptune in Sixth House

You work hard to make your dreams and ideals a reality. You work hard at community or group work. You spare no effort here. Humanitarian goals are central to your life's work.
---- Saturn in Eleventh House

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